Soulful Abundance Workshop

We invite you on Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 of February to a two-day experiential workshop totaling 11 hours, in the wonderful space of Ananda Unity.

Come to activate the body, expand the senses and the heart, and get attuned to the 1st level of Reiki. In this workshop, we will enrich our practices with Yoga, meditation, breathing techniques, sound healing and aromatherapy.

In the first level of Reki, we learn how to do reiki on ourselves, we will get in touch with our energy centers and we will be given tools that we can incorporate into our daily life.

Notes and a certificate of attendance will be provided after the seminar.

What have we prepared for this workshop?

Yoga as a healing practice that balances, strengthens, and activates the physical and energy body, meets the attunement of level 1 Usui Reiki. Yoga creates the necessary condition where the physical and energy bodies are prepared to receive the energy that is about to be received.

With Reiki we tune into the cosmic life-giving energy of love, deep understanding and peace. We remind the innate healing ability, that natural energy passes through the body and is capable of easing pain and calming the spirit.

Through all of this we will let our senses guide us on an inner journey of self-awareness. All our practices combined to find that point of release, openness, and trust.

The energy of the heart opens and expands in all levels through a deep feeling of Love.

Love for who I am, love for what I do. Love for the people around me. Love for all creatures, for nature, for the earth. Love.
I accept, I forgive, I love.


With the gentle Hatha Yoga practice, the movement follows the breath. By paying attention to the breath we naturally, with softness let existence spread. Thus, they open the “energy channels” or otherwise “nadis” for the Indians, or “meridians” for the Chinese, so that the “prana”, or “qi”, or vital energy is harmonized and flows smoothly in the body . The result is physical health and mental well-being.
Yoga Nidra, or otherwise yogic sleep, is a meditation technique. It leads to different states of consciousness between sleep and waking so that we can achieve deeper relaxation and deeper self-awareness. It is mindful sleep with proper guidance.

The nidra yoga practice will be accompanied by sound healing and aromatherapy. As the sound and music wash the space around like a waterfall of sound and vibration while with the sense of smell we travel the soul to distant places, so that there may be small moments of reconnection with the pure essence within us, with the Higher, with the Universe, or just to relax.

Aroma Therapy and Sound healing

We combine essential oils and some burning aromatic sticks and palo santo. These scents calm us down with the aim of improving a person’s physical as well as mental health.

We use singing bowls, crystal bowls and gongs to complement the experience of relaxation and meditation so that through sound, music and vibrations we can awaken the sense of hearing.