Let’s continue exploring and balancing our energy centers! It is time to get acquainted with our 2nd energy center, known as the Sacred Chakra, which is located just below the belly button. This center is associated with our creativity, our sexual energy and our ability to take risks. When the energy of this chakra is in balance, we can live our lives with passion, free from the burdens and guilt of our sexuality and pleasure. We feel a healthy enjoyment of sexuality with ease and joy! We feel motivated and recognize our desires. When it is unbalanced, we may have problems with addictions, our reproductive system, lack of creativity, or low libido. If you have crystals such as carnelian, orange calcite, sunstone, or amber, you can keep them close to you or hold them during this meditation.
Find a quiet place, close your cell phone or whatever distracts you, and dedicate these minutes to yourself. If you are driving or doing something that needs your attention, please download it and listen to it when it’s time to relax. If you are pregnant and feel some discomfort, you can save this meditation and practice it after giving birth. Enjoy!
Written by Nikoleta Kounenidaki, Chryssa Kourenta. Narrated by Nikoleta Kounenidaki. Music by Chryssa Kourenta. Recorded at OpenStudio Post.